Monthly Review: May 2024

Monthly Review - May 2024

As we inch closer to the year's halfway point, we at Tactical Support Solutions are glad to confirm that we have maintained our perfect record for 2024 so far.

In the month of May, we once again achieved a 100% score for all three of our key performance indicators.


100% On Time Delivery


100% in May 2024

We scored full marks for efficiency in May, with a 100% on-time delivery (OTD) rate.


100% Right First Time Quality


100% in May 2024

Our RFT quality rate for May was also a perfect 100 per cent. As usual, the Tactical Support Solutions team proved that you can rely on us for outstanding products and services.


100% Customer Satisfaction


100% in May 2024

We also achieved 100% customer satisfaction last month. Our customers are consistently impressed by the quality and efficiency of the services we offer.

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